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Item Fetânet sıfatı bağlamında Hz.Peygamber’in örnekliği meselesi(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü) Akdemir, Furat; Akbulut, AhmetPeygamberlik, İslâm Dînînin temel kurumlarından biridir. Peygamberler, vahyin anlaşılması ve pratiğe yönelik boyutunu ortaya koyan örnek şahsiyetlerdir. Tezimizde, peygamberlerin fetânet sıfatı bağlamında örnekliği sorunu işlenmiştir. Dolayısıyla sünnetin dindeki konumu, anlam ve mahiyeti ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır.Tezimizin giriş bölümünde, peygamberlerin emânet, fetânet, ismet, sıdk ve tebliğ sıfatları ele alınmıştır. Bu sıfatların sözlük ve terim anlamları, Kur’an’da hangi anlam bağlamlarında kullanıldığı işlenmiştir. Ayrıca bu sıfatların İslâm düşüncesindeki anlamları, Kur’an bağlamında değerlendirilmiştir.Birinci bölümde; Kur’an-ı Kerim’de geçen peygamberlik ile ilgili kavramların kelime ve terim anlamları işlenmiştir. Bu kavramların, Kur’an’da geçen anlam boyutu ve peygamberlik ile ilgili bağıntısı üzerinde durulmuştur. Ayrıca bu kavramlar, peygamberlik kurumu ile ilgili içerdiği anlamları çerçevesinde sınıflandırılmıştır. Peygamberlere isim, görev ve nitelik olarak kullanılan kavramlar şeklinde tasnifi yapılmıştır.İkinci bölümde; Fetânet sıfatı bağlamında peygamberlerin örnekliği sorunu işlenmiştir. Vahyin sözlük ve terim anlamları, vahyin mahiyeti ve kaynağı konusu, vahiy nübüvvet ilişkisi, akıl vahiy ilişkisi, vahyin geliş şekilleri, Kur’an dışı vahyin imkanı konusu ele alınmıştır. Ayrıca sünnetin kaynağı, vahiy ile ilişikilendirilmesi, Kur’an dışı vahyin Kur’aniliği sorunu, kudsi hadisinn mahiyeti ve vahiy olma imkanı sorunu, Hz.Peygamber’e itaat konusu işlenmiştir.Üçüncü bölümde; Hz. Peygamber’in bilgi kaynakları, içtihadı, yanılmaları ve sünnetin mahiyeti ve değeri konusu ele alınmıştır. Bu bağlamda Kur’an’da Hz. Peygamber’e yapılan uyarılar, vahiy tarafından, sahabe tarafından ve Peygamber’in kendi içtihadlarını düzeltmesi konusu işlenmiştir. Ayrıca Kur’an’da peygamberlerin beşeri boyutu, masumiyeti ve gaybı bilme imkanları da bu bölümde irdelenmiştir.AbstractProphethood is one of the fundamental institutions of Islam. Prophets served to understand divine revelation on the one hand and acted as model to show how to apply this revelation to real life on the other. Our thesis is concerned with the prophetic character which is called as intelligence (fetânet) that involves their being as model for others. Accordingly I will enhance the substance and meaning of the lifestyle of the prophet (sunnah) and its position in the religion. In the introduction I have covered the attributes of prophets such as emânet (thrustworthy) fetânet (intelligence), ismet (infallibility), sıdk (propriety) and tebliğ (mission). The lexical and technical senses of these attributes are elaborated in connection to their usage in the Qur’an. The first chapter approaches terms and words in relation to prophethood. These terms in the Qur’ān are clarified in position of senses/meanings and in relevant correlation to prophethood. They also are categorized in context of prophetic organization/institute (kurum) und their containing meanings. The terms used for prophets are classified in name, duty and property/character. The second chapter approaches the prophets as examples in terms of their intelligence. The lexical and technical sense of revelation, its essential character and its relation to messengership and prophethood and related issues are handled. Besides, the relationship between sunnah of the prophet and its connection with the revelation and the issue of obeying the prophet should be considered as part of revelation is also tackled in my thesis. The third chapter covers the source of knowledge, consensus (ijtihād), errancy and the essence and value of sunnah of the last prophet. In the coherence of the admonishments in the Qur’ān towards the Prophet, some critical questions raised by the companions to the Prophet are also dealt with in the study. We also researched the human dimensions of the prophets in the Qur’ān, their innocence and their capability of predicting the future. All these points have been searched systematically and analytically in the study from theological point of view putting the Qur’anic mentality into the axes.Item İbn-i Kemal'in hayatı eserleri ve yaratma anlayışı(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2000) Akdemir, Furat; Atay, Hüseyin; İlahiyat'İbn Kemal: His Life, Works and Conception of Creation" MA thesis, Supervisor: Hüseyin Alay, Prof. Dr., VI-105, Appendixes-I: 31, Appendixes-H: 27. İbn-i Kemâl lived between 1468-1532. He was an important scholar and statesman in the Ottoman Empire in the 16th century. He wrote same works 200 on fiqh, hadith, commentary, theology, philosophy, history, languege, poetry. During his lifetime he gave important fetvas about Safevites and hang of Molla Kabız. Our study is four part, and two appendixes. In the introduction we gave information about religious, cultural, political and scientific stuation of this period. In the first part we studied his life and studies. In the scond part his books and their presentation. In the third part his scientific and literary personality, especially his opinions on history, philosophy, theology, poetry and mysticism. In the forth part we did edition-critic of his book named "Risala fi Beyani Ma'na'l- Ca'l ve Tahkiki Etme Nefse'l-Mahiyyete Mec'uletun. "The conclusion argued the findings. In the appendix we did translated his risala and in the second appendix we did the edition of the risala. As an Ottoman thinker İbn-i KemaL wrote many books concerning philosopy and theology. The themes that he struggled to solve in his books were among the most important guestions of the field. In his work, he edited, besides his conceptions on creation, he deal with, Ibn Sina, Curcani, Icî, Katibî, Fahrettin Razi, Tusî and Tahtanı comparatively. Thus, he can be taken as a typical thinker from whom we can obtain more information about the station of the ottoman intellectuals of the time. In this risala, İbn-i Kemal wrote his opinion on the creation, existentia and essence. Those of critising Ishraqiyyun and their conception of creation, he stands next to Meşşaiyyun. İbn-i Kemal tried to explain the creation with the word of Ca'I "J»** as well as İbn4 Sina tried to explain it with the word of İbda' "g.^