İbn-i Kemal'in hayatı eserleri ve yaratma anlayışı
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'İbn Kemal: His Life, Works and Conception of Creation" MA thesis, Supervisor: Hüseyin Alay, Prof. Dr., VI-105, Appendixes-I: 31, Appendixes-H: 27. İbn-i Kemâl lived between 1468-1532. He was an important scholar and statesman in the Ottoman Empire in the 16th century. He wrote same works 200 on fiqh, hadith, commentary, theology, philosophy, history, languege, poetry. During his lifetime he gave important fetvas about Safevites and hang of Molla Kabız. Our study is four part, and two appendixes. In the introduction we gave information about religious, cultural, political and scientific stuation of this period. In the first part we studied his life and studies. In the scond part his books and their presentation. In the third part his scientific and literary personality, especially his opinions on history, philosophy, theology, poetry and mysticism. In the forth part we did edition-critic of his book named "Risala fi Beyani Ma'na'l- Ca'l ve Tahkiki Etme Nefse'l-Mahiyyete Mec'uletun. "The conclusion argued the findings. In the appendix we did translated his risala and in the second appendix we did the edition of the risala. As an Ottoman thinker İbn-i KemaL wrote many books concerning philosopy and theology. The themes that he struggled to solve in his books were among the most important guestions of the field. In his work, he edited, besides his conceptions on creation, he deal with, Ibn Sina, Curcani, Icî, Katibî, Fahrettin Razi, Tusî and Tahtanı comparatively. Thus, he can be taken as a typical thinker from whom we can obtain more information about the station of the ottoman intellectuals of the time. In this risala, İbn-i Kemal wrote his opinion on the creation, existentia and essence. Those of critising Ishraqiyyun and their conception of creation, he stands next to Meşşaiyyun. İbn-i Kemal tried to explain the creation with the word of Ca'I "J»** as well as İbn4 Sina tried to explain it with the word of İbda' "g.^