Şiiliğin İran dış politikasına etkileri
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Karaoğlu, Orhan
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Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
This study has been prepared to determine "The Effects of Shiism on Iranian Foreign Policy". This interdisciplinary thesis has been written to examine the link between Religion and Sect Foreign Policy. The study consists of introduction and three chapters. In the introduction part, the importance, subject, sources and method of the study are emphasized. The first chapter titled Iran Islamic Revolution and Shiaism focused on the effects of Shiism in the Iran Islamic Revolution that took place in 1979. In addition, the effects of Shiism on Iranian Foreign Policy were revealed after the Iranian Islamic Revolution. In the second part, the Sectarian Dimensions of Tensions in the Middle East after September 11, especially the distribution of the sectarian tensions that started with the US invasion of Iraq in 2003 was mentioned and it was tried to explain how Iran benefited from these sectarian tensions by using Shiite. In the third part of our thesis, the Role of Shia in Iran's Middle East Policy After the Arab Spring, the developments that started in the region with the Arab Spring of Iran have been discussed, and it has been revealed in detail that these developments are an important factor in Iran's Foreign Policy.
Dış politika, Şiilik