İmam-ı Maturidi'de peygamberlik

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Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü


The theme "Propriety" in islam is the second most important them after 'The Existancy and Oneness of Allah". Because an divine commands and prohibitions are being informed to people by thes soot mediation. Because of the influence of Ehli Kitap culture on muslims by time the mentality of the word "Propriety" and the mentality of word "Propriety" Kuran does not svits with each other. Prophets were given some superior quality that normal human being doesn't have. From time to time the great interest of people about Prophets and drom generation to the existed information. These additions were reflected not only to the Holy Beoks, but also to their comment The most important part these informations is as they didn't reflect the truth about Prophets most of them are look like a legend. Now, in tile thought tocorrect these incorreck mentality we thought that there is a need in studying the mentality of Prophety by imam-i Maturidi. Our sudy contains three part 1) in the first part we dealed with the opinions of Maturidi on the means of prohety: the aim of sending prophety of humanity for the prophets. 2} in the second part we tried to make clearness of Maturidi's poinions on confirmation of prophety; the indication of the miracle to the prophety that we cant even imagine apart from prophety; the kind's of minracles; the miracle itself; and the themess "Divine inspiration", "God's Revelation"; and the then» "Mind". 3) in the third part we discussed the opinions of Maturidi on the thme "The Sosiety of Prophety"; and we tried to clarift the meanings of words and technical terms of concerpts of Prophet and Prophetic or Pertaining to Mohammed.



