?Aldous Huxley'nin Crome Yellow ve Evelyn Waugh'nun Decline and Fall isimli romanlarında karakterlerin yitik-kahraman olarak incelenmesi?

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This dissertation, entitled ?A Study of the Anti-hero in Aldous Huxley?s Crome Yellow and Evelyn Waugh?s Decline and Fall?, investigates anti-hero type characters from two different perspectives.In Section One, the characters in Aldous Huxley?s Crome Yellow (1921) are divided into two groups: those who are guided by ?intellect? and those whose actions answer principally to their ?emotions.? The former are presented as anti-heroes on account of both their emotional poverty and their inability to act. Conversely, the latter are equally valid candidates for anti-hero status on account of their impetuousness and sensual pleasure. In Section Two, the characters in Evelyn Waugh?s Decline and Fall (1928) are similarly divided according to two different points of view. It is argued that the members of the First group meet the criteria for anti-hero status after being examined as inhabitants of a corrupt society and characterized as fatally passive, inadequate and luckless. The members of the Second group, though presented as inhabitants of a decent society yet characterised as morally weak, are shown as equally valid candidates for anti-hero status.In both sections, conclusions are drawn after consultation of primary sources such as the novels themselves and the biographies, articles and diaries of the writers. The authors? contemporary society and history is also taken into consideration while analyzing what features of their society the writers are referring to via characterization. As a result, the characters in aforementioned novels written at the beginning of the 20th century meet the criteria for anti-hero in many different ways and hence reflect the different characteristics of their society.



Aldous Huxley, Crome Yellow, Evelyn Waugh'nun Decline
