Kriz, sınıf mücadelesi ve devlet: Türkiye'de sermaye sınıfı, 1977-1980
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Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
This dissertation analyzes the period that ends with the coup d?état of September 12, 1980, which brought about a change in regime and in the state form in Turkey. While doing this, it takes the structural crisis of the period, the responses of the capitalist class to the crisis and the struggles within the capitalist classes and the inter-class struggle into the consideration. Even if it seems to put more emphasis on the conflicts& compromises among the capitalist classes, it aims to underline the importance of inter-class struggle. The theoretical frame of the thesis is drived from what could be called as ?The State as a Form of Capital Relationship? approach and represented by Simon Clarke and John Holloway and also from the theoretical tools provided Poulantzas, Gramsci and Bob Jessop. First, the theoretical framework and tools are defined; then, the structural crisis and the counter strategies of capitalist classes towards the crisis in Turkey are analyzed. Class struggle is considered as the main factor that affects and shapes these strategies of the capitalist classes and the role of the working class movement in changing these strategies is underlined. This dissertation shows the limits that inter-class struggle creates for the relations within the capitalist classes and argues that the inter-class struggle has an effect on the strategies of capitalist classes.
Yapısal kriz, Sermaye Sınıfı, Sermaye Sınıfı Fraksiyonları, 12 Eylül Darbesi