Miyosen Hominoidlerinin dağılımında Anadolu'nun yeri ve önemi

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Hominoids has started to seen in the Early Miocene. They have passed from Africa to Eurasia through Anatolia 16 ma. There has been four Hominoid fossils localities found in Anatolia and with the further researches it is believed this number will increase. Further researches will prove more information on the Hominoid evolution in Anatolia.In this thesis first describes the evolution of vitality. To understand the Hominoid evulation the taxonomy has been given starting from the first hominoid proconcul and all of other miocene Hominoids. The for Anatolian Homioid have been given with localization, chronology to understand the Anatolian Hominoids.Final part is about Anatolia within Miocene Homioid localization on the earth. Further researches in Anatolia will provide more information on the Miocene Hominoids importance.



Antropoloji, Hominoidler
