Gazali'de ilahi ilim ilahi irade ilişkisi

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Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü


In this study, the main concern is the ideas of Ghazali (1058-1111) about relationship between divine knowledge ande divine will (iradah) . During this study, Farabi (871-950), IbnSina?s (981-1037) and İbn Rushd (1126-1195) approaches have also been considered.Ghazali; charged Muslim philosophers with unbelief (kufr) on three counts: the eternity of the world, , God?s knowledge of particulars and bodily resurrection .This study consists of three parts:At the first part, Ghazali?s ideas about divine knowledge is dealt with. Additionaly issue of God?s knowledge, Indelible Tablet (al-luah al-Mahfuz) and issue of God?s knowledge of particulars. According to him the philosophers could not prove that God knows the particulars.At the second part, Ghazali?s ideas about divine will) is dealt with. He accepts the only true agent is Allah. Thus he rejects causal necessity and lined God?s almighty. Further Ghazâlî?s thinks about miracle is dealt with. Ghazali have pointed out conceptions of agent, cause, âdet when he explains relationship between God and world.At the third part, Ghazali?s ideas about creation is dealt with. Ghazali have accepted the world?s creation out of nothing (ex nihilo). He rejects idea an eternal world. Besides he have rejected the theory of emanation. According to him the philosophers could not prove that His creation.



Gazali, ilahi
