Ortaçağ konut mimarisi üzerine bir araştırma: Anadolu Selçuklu köşkleri
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Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Seljuk Pavilions have a great importance as they illuminate the palace architecture of that period. Explanation of this case will be useful in understanding of the Middle Ages residense architecture. The main purpose of this study is to make an architectural analysis of Seljuk pavilions. In this respect, pavilions unknown, little considered in some publications undetailed, have been established in several field studies. The term of "köşk" expressed lots of means in research of Turkish arcihecture. It can be though that the works studied in this thesis shouldn't be considered as parts of palaces or their annexes So, "köşk" a Pershian term, has been accepted as a distinctive building and stated gardens as thoses situated a in countries or apart from 17 kiosk investigated, some of them and also palace buildings, which couldn't reach today, have been introduced to ensure an entirety to the study and also, residences of Islam, Byzantine, Asia and Seljuk have been studied. 17 kiosk, examined in the section of catalogue, have firstly been classified typologicaly in researches of Turkish art. In this trial. We first tried to determine the criterias of making a classification and later chose "orta mekân" or "sofa" an characteristic elements. Pavilions in our study Jiave been classified in two groups, some of which have sofa but others haven't. Kiosk of Aksaray, kiosk of Alanya-Gazipaşa Sikarhane and kasr of Alara have been appraised in a distinctive group as they have lost their primitive circumstances in a large scale. Buildings situated in the first group (without hall) consist of two places with two layer and seen entrance, bigger than another, is a living site while other is aXII service place. Buildings mentioned above are situated at the middle of a large courtyard surrounded with enclousures walls. In that square, annexes are also found apart from pavilions. Second group with hall has been examined under two subtitles, first of which that Alanya-Sedre and Kaledran pavilions form are consist of two places ranked to the two side of the hall and second have "eyvans" cutting the hall at several points. Some matters of kiosk, which haven't explained so far, have been tried to reveal. One of them is the relation of buildings -reliyef- features Stone platformes have been used to remove probable statical negativeness in buildings situated at the areas where inclination degrees are high İn the kiosk of Kayseri-Hizirilyas. We came across to wooden rafter nests among these rock platforms. Water technolagy of Middle Ages has also not been considered up to now. because of the lack of archeological excavations So,in this case, we couldn't reach definite results. Especially, It is still unknown that how the water have been carried to the upper parts from water springs. Our proposal in this matter will remain as a claim until it is proved with concrete evidences. During our investigates, we didn't met any document which can explain the criterias determining the possession limits or dividing of field plat of land in Middle Ages. Thus, it was impossible to determine how the areas revealed above have been given from Sultan, the owner of the whole country, to Seljuk Aristocrats. Most of decorations seen in the pavilions are fresks, which can frequently be seen around Alanya fresk decorations, also seen in other architectural works of art in Alanya and its around, belong to Middle Ages and give us a possibility in illumination of historical period of pavilions.xni In 1221 in which I. Alaeddin Keykubat conquered Alanya castles and towers have been constructed anew. Palace, some pavilions and residences around it have been built. During this construction what is known is that some property of Emir were spent.In this mean, it is understood that Seljuk investments in historical peninsula of Alanya have been maintained both on the coastal plain and in the countryside. As a result, pavilions, constituting most of our study, are products of that improvement activities.
Sanat Tarihi