Dua -kader ilişkisi
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The subject, prayer-faith relationship was taken into consideration, includes introduction and three chapters.In introduction, I interpreted why prayer was not considered as a subject in Islamic theology. At the same time I emphasized the importance of prayer as a form of communication in theology.In first chapter I put forth the basic meanings of prayer concept and the usage of them in the Kuran. Todefine the radius of meaning, synonymous and antonymous words were also mentioned.In second chapter, I dwelt upon faith as the second concept of the thesis. I specifically deliberated the meaning of the concept in according to theological discussions which were effective to make the word conceptual. In this regard I mentioned the usage of the concept in the Kuran.In third chapter, I discussed notionally two sides of the prayer God and mankind to be understood whether the traditional faith belief gives ability to prayer or not. I emphasized how the change which is the target of the prayer compatible with the faith belief. In this way I explained how the prayer concept can change the mankind, God and conditions.The prayer concept is a very essential role to describe correctly the relationship of God and mankind. However ,instead of this concept the faith concept was seen fatalistically more effective in Islamic theology. Yet, prayer concept has an antagonistic meaning to fatalistic faith. There is no change in this explanation meanwhile the prayer basically is a change call.The prayer has the meaning of the mankind noticing himself as an individual without any preliminary conditions. Because in the prayer which has a direct communication between the Creator and mankind the freedom of individual to become important in contrary to fatalistic faith which all actions were predestined.
Prayer, Kader, Dua, Destiny, Tanrı anlayışı, God understanding