Oyuncunun hareket potansiyelini geliştiren reji yöntemi ve bir uygulama: Slawomir Mrozek'in Eğlence adlı oyununun sahnelenmesi

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Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü


In this study, it is proposed a theatre directing method improves the movement potential of the actor. We departed from the idea that the stage movement is the basic determinant of the actor?s and so the director?s existence. We concentrated on time and space which are the parameters of movement and developed analysis playtext, directing and rehearsing method focusing on the movement.The first inspiration of the study is time and being philosophy of Heidegger. The thoughts considering movement in physics, architecture and theatre also supported the study. The movement laws of Newton, the relativity theory of Einstein, quantum physics, existential space of Norberg-Schulz and physical theatre were reviewed; the datum was correlated the rehearsing process. The methods of actor coach Eric Morris and director Anne Bogart were mentioned.A terminology focused on movement-time-space and rehearsing directions were developed, thinking that the director can increase the movement possibilities of the actor and hereby create the original stage performances. Then this method practiced in The Party written by Slawomir Mrozek. Via the rehearsing experiments and the datum, the method took its final shape.



hareket potansiyeli, reji yöntemi
