Kitabı mukaddes açısından Yahudilik ve Hıristiyanlık'ta seçilmişlik anlayışı
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Although perception of considering itself privileged and superior in allreligions is encountered, it is known that being chosen opinion has an importantplace especially in Judaism and Christianity. We have chosen this subject tounderstand how perception of being chosen influenced the belief systems ofJudaism and Christianity and to examine meanings they both attribute to beingchosen.In the introduction of our thesis, perceptions in being chosen of Maniheismand Sabian religion of the Gnostic religions, and in Hinduism and Sikh religionthe Indian religions were discussed. Also, in the introduction, the view of Islam tobeing chosen itself and its view to the claims of Christianity and Judaism of beingchosen have been given place.In first chapter, perception of being chosen of Jewish has been examinedfirst in line with the information provided in Tanah. Later on, opinions of Jewishdivines related to this subject have been discussed. Also, in this chapter perceptionof free will held by Jewish, their approaches to non-Jewish nations, and opinionsof Jews groups among, who claimed their being chosen have been introduced.In the chapter, Christians? perspective to Jewish perception of being chosenChristian and perception of being chosen has been tried to be explicated byreferring to Christian Holy Book. Function of free will of person was examinedwithin the framework of the perception of free will in Christianity and views ofChristians about other believers have been discussed.In conclusion, although they attribute different meanings to being chosen,it can be said that perception of being chosen constitutes the basis for beliefs ofboth Judaism and Christianity.