Tanzimat'ın ilk beş yılında surre (1839-1844)

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Aslan, Halide, The Surra In The Five Years Of Administrative Reforms (1839/1844), Master's Thesis, Advisor; Prof. Dr. Nesimi Yazıcı, 104 p. Surra is the money and gifts, which are sent to Mecca and Madina every year in had} period. It began of the Abbasid's time. It is obviously said that in Ottoman Empire time Surra was first sent by Padishah Çelebi Mehmet. Sending surra to Haramayn (Mecca and Madina), becomes systemised after the conquer of Egypt. And so, in the first five years of administrative Reforms sending Surra continued. There was no big (fundamentalist) difference on the sending of surras. The source of Surras are Treasure of Haramayn and Wakfs and The Ministry of Finance. The going and coming back of Surra was done on land at that period. The first stuff was the Chief Surra and he had a lot of assistants. Ottoman Empire gave importance to Surra both in religious and in political aspects.



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