Bitkisel ve hayvansal proteinli rasyonla beslenen etlik piliçlerde besi performansı ve yaşama gücü

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This study was aimed to invastigate the effects of the using vegetable protein origines in broiler ration on body weight, FCR (feed conversion rate), vitality and Newcastle anti body titre.The total of 20.000 chicks were used in this study 10.000 chicks in each control and trial groups.50 kg of each vegetable and animal protein origine were used in the rations of control and trial groups along the seven week of the period of the study.The end of the study the body weight is 2711.43, FCR (feed conversion rate) 1.45, vitality 93.57 and Newcastle anti body titer after first vaccination 8.50 and second vaccination 6.40 were found to be significantly beter than the control group.İn conculution the using of vegetable protein origin in broiler ration has benefits on broiler performance and Newcastle anti body titer.



Bitkisel protein, hayvansal protein
